Now that Gilad has returned home safely, it is time to understand with careful and thoughtful wisdom that it was neither Israel who paid the higher price in this transaction nor was it is Israel who got the worst of it; Hamas needed to save itself from increasing irrelevance in the eyes of the Palestinian populace and, given the PA's strides in aiming toward Statehood without a peace accord and recognition of Israel as the Nation State of the Jewish People, it was in Israel's vital strategic interests that the rivalry between the PA and Hamas be reborn and re-heated most immediately and that reunification efforts make it near impossible for a Judenrein Palestinian State comprising Judea, Smaria, and Gaza -- under PA control - without recognition of Israel come to pass. Gilad's freedom was Hamas' price to pay, and the (hopefully very) temporary freedom of movement of the evil murderers released by Israel into Hamas' custody (many of whom were heroes of Arafat's Fatah/PA - another blow to the PA's prestige), will prove to be a temporary price that Israel will pay for a long-term strategic benefit of neutralizing Abbas' PA while returning Gilad to his family and a nation held hostage almost as much as he has been. Now, however, is the time for Israel's political and military leadership to declare in no uncertain terms that there will never again be a negotiation of any sort for a hostage of Israel and that anyone responsible for any future such treachery against any Jew will pay a swift and unbearable price, along with any others who lend to them any support and/or assistance of any kind. - Moadim L'Simcha -- And, let's all ensure that such Z'manim always remain just this way, in safety and security for all of Klal Yisrael! - Rabbi Isaac Jeret
Rabbi Isaac Jeret
Spiritual Leader
Congregation Ner Tamid of South Bay